On-Call Styling

What is it? Style assistance outside of your scheduled in-person appointments. We’ll always be available for your every fashion question and support your on-going wardrobe growth no matter when or where you are.

  • If you’re looking to make a purchase and not sure if it’s a great piece or a fashion ​faux pas​.

  • You’re obsessed with a new wardrobe purchase and want further advice on how to wear it outside of your Lookbook recommendations.

  • You want “AA” (Annie’s Approval) on a self-created outfit.

How much is it?

  • Text/Email Short Reply - few words to 1 sentence or “reaction”: $5 flat rate

  • Text/Email Long Reply - paragraph: $15 flat rate 

  • Call/Facetime: prorated hourly rate of $130 for duration of call

  • On-call will be billed at the end of every month and include all correspondence outside of scheduled appointments accumulated from the past month